Works Cited:
Robinson, Orrin W. 2010. Grimm Language: Grammar, Gender, and Genuineness in the Fairy Tales. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Accessed February 9,
2019. ProQuest Ebook Central.
Sims, Martha, and Stephens, Martine. 2011. Living Folklore, 2nd Edition: An Introduction to the Study of People and Their Traditions. Logan: Utah State University
Press. Accessed February 24, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central.
Zipes, Jack. 2014. Grimm Legacies: The Magic Spell of the Grimms' Folk and Fairy Tales. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Accessed February 24, 2019. ProQuest
Ebook Central.
Luu, Chi. 2018. The Fairytale Language of the Brother's Grimm. JSTOR.
David, Alfred, and Mary Elizabeth David. "A Literary Approach to the Brothers Grimm." Journal of the Folklore Institute 1, no. 3 (1964): 180-96.